Sunday, October 16, 2011

Macs vs. Pcs


With so many computers on the market today, making a choice on what to buy seems to be getting difficult over time, but the reality is, Macs and PCs are different because of their multimedia, affordability, and selection. To begin, with multimedia is an important feature to have on a computer, whether, you`re waiting for someone or simply bored; your pc is filled with endless time wasting games like, Angry Birds and Words with Friends. On the other hand, macs aren’t multimedia friendly because they aren’t compatible with many games. Furthermore, the price of the device can pull you to one side or the other. Macs can be very expensive costing more than twelve hundred dollars for the simplest computer. However on the other side, pcs aren’t expensive at all. They usually cost less than eight hundred dollars depending on which model you buy. Finally, selection helps you chose the one best for you, but if you don’t have many varieties, then you can’t make a good purchase. Macs come in nine basic models of one color, while pcs are available in a numerous variety of choices and color. All in all, there is a clear advantage for pc owners over Mac for multimedia, affordability, and selection. For me personally, I am a pc user, I have been using a pc for about four years, and it’s been working fine. Many people are complaining that the pcs are getting a lot of viruses and crashing but I haven’t had that many viruses and it has never crashed when I was using it. In addition I have found out that for the price you buy your pc, it will outlast a traditional Mac. Therefore a pc is definitely very dependable, affordable, and extremely entertaining computer to have. Depending on which operating system you prefer both Mac and pc are excellent computers to own.                                                                                                      


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